Mum Innovation

Mum Innovation is behind everything we do at Jumply

Hi I'm Tiff co-founder of Jumply formally known as Jumply. I wanted to share with you a little bit about my design process and why Jumply was created.

I'm a real parent like you, as well as a Physical Education Teacher. I take pride in providing you with new innovative design that are going to make your life as a parent easier. All of my products go through a long testing and trial period to ensure that they are equipped for every day life as a mum or dad.

The whole concept behind our business came about when I became a new parent and realised that a lot of products in the baby market didn’t seem to have been developed by parents at all, as they proved to be unpractical and difficult to use in the moment of need. That really is what led to the conception of my brand.

As a new mum you actually have a lot of time to think while you are feeding you little one and I found that I would actually come up with my best ideas in the middle of the night (‘Stupid O’clock’ as I like to call it).

Some mornings I would grab out a note pad and pen and just start sketching the idea for my new design. I would think about everyday situations that I had been in and how my product could perform better than the one I had been using.

Once I had a rough design, I would then start my research and build on each of the features and take my design our manufacturer. I would then work closely with him and his design team to carefully select appropriate materials and work on a sample. This process can take up to 8 months, but it is worth every minute when you get the design that you are happy with.

I like to call it Mum Innovation.

Your Mummy Innovator,
